On 23 March 2022, a National IR Seminar was held online to hear from government, the Fair Work Commission and industry stalwarts on ‘where to next?’. With the federal election on the horizon, industry were able to receive a comprehensive overview of government, opposition and the state of play on a number of critical issues in the lead up to the federal election.
Speakers at the Seminar have kindly made available their presentations to industry and have also given permission to provide the digital output.
Mr Adam Hatcher SC – Vice President Fair Work Commission
Vice President Hatcher examines the rapid transformation of the Commission since the last federal election.
Professor Andrew Stewart – Partner Piper Alderman and John Bray Professor of Law at University of Adelaide Professor Stewart’s presentation looks at the government and opposition in the lead up to the 2022 federal election. What’s at stake?
Nikki Britt – Director Navigate Health
Ms Britt gives an engaging presentation on using behavioural economics to
Attract, Train and Retain Staff.