In this August 2020 edition of Everybody Out:
- The various pieces of legislation that have gone through the Parliament this month, including the Corona Virus Response Package, which extended Job Keeper, the Fair Work Amendment (Covid 19) Bill, which is an attempt by the Greens for 14 days paid pandemic leave and the Paid Parental Leave (Flexible Measures) Bill, which will allow parents to take up to 30 days flexible leave until their child is 2 years of age.
- The overturning by the High Court of the decision in Mondelez which returns personal leave to its previous calculations by the day (7.6 hours) rather than 10 days of ordinary hours.
- An update on the IR reform Roundtable meetings and APTIA’s appearance to advocate casual employment in the bus and coach industry.
- Other significant issues for the industry including how to deal with the decision in Rossato’s case and now the proposal by the FWC to include greater flexibility into modern awards.
- An update on Nikki Brouwers and how she is continuing to provide our members with her much needed expertise.
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