The Clerks Private Sector occupational award covers:
(a) private sector employers throughout Australia in relation to employees wholly or principally engaged in clerical work; and
(b) private sector employees who are wholly or principally engaged in clerical work and who are employed by employers mentioned in clause 4.1(a).
This occupational award also covers:
(a) on-hire employees working in a classification defined in Schedule A—Classification Structure and Definitions and the on-hire employers of those employees if the employer is not covered by another modern award containing a classification that is more appropriate to the work performed by the employee; and
(b) trainees employed by a group training employer and hosted by an employer working in a classification defined in Schedule A—Classification Structure and Definitions and the group training employers of those trainees.
This award covers employers which provide group training services for trainees engaged in the passenger vehicle transportation industry and/or parts of that industry and those trainees engaged by a group training service hosted by a company to perform work at a location where the activities described in clause 4.1 are being performed. Clause 4.4 operates subject to the exclusions from coverage in this award.