Each year the Fair Work Commission delivers a minimum wage determination which sets, not only the minimum wage for the ensuing year – July to June, but also the wage increases for each modern award. The increase in the minimum wage is expressed as an hourly rate and a percentage increase.
Set out in this section of the website are the current-year wages and allowances for the June to July period for the following Awards:
The process of Agreement making is enshrined in the Fair Work Act 2010 (Chapter 2; Part 2-4). It is a very formal process based around timelines and the Fair Work Commission being satisfied that those voting in a ballot for an enterprise agreement fully understand what they are voting on and have had the opportunity to consider the terms of any agreement and to negotiate with respect to those terms, if it is their wish. Set out is a comprehensive outline of the process to making of an agreement, along with a draft Enterprise Agreement, prepared by APTIA.
APTIA will provide assistance to members in preparing, negotiating and lodging their Enterprise Agreements.